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Dear LIB readers; My man can't get it up & has refused to seek help

From a female LIB reader
I am a frustrated new wife. I've been married for just under a year and I can count how many times I have had sex with my husband. He got treated for diabetes and since then has been having problems getting it up. I've told him several times to go find help but he has refused. He is embarrassed and doesn't want any one to know about this challenge but it is making me frustrated. If I am lucky I get it once in two weeks and a lot of work has to put into it for our lovemaking to happen. I'm trying to get pregnant but I don't see how this is going to happen when my husband can't perform. Can anyone help me? Since he has refused to go seek help, maybe you know something I can for him at home to help our situation? Help please! I am a sexual person so this is frustrating!

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