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Child almost falls into Jollof Rice

‘Is that salt?’
‘No hunnie, it’s sugar’

‘Is that supposed to bubble?’
‘What’s that smell?’
‘is that rice, huh, Mum? This one smells weird. Is it burning?’
‘Mum? What’s that green mix?
‘Let me see!’

I was inch close to snapping at Demilade.
He had been poking at the tiny bags of various substances, smelling this and inhaling that all morning as I tried to prepare for Grandma’s party.
It had become a ritual, or let me say, some form of routine for him to do that anytime I was in the kitchen.
Somehow, unlike his father, the concept of cooking; that is from the ingredient stage down to when it had become a meal, fascinated my 7-year-old son.
He always peered into the kitchen at first, watching me add all sorts into different pots.
Then he will proceed to sit quietly on the raised chair, watching intently as I measured each ingredient for each meal.
Then, the questions.
Even though I found it completely amusing and somewhat a form of bonding for us, today he was flooding me with one too many questions and I was under enough pressure.

‘Demilade! Can I please have some peace? Go to the living room and watch your sister.’

He went quiet and I looked at him and felt bad, all of a sudden.
I really didn’t mean to snap at him but I needed to get this entire day in motion.

‘Demilade, come and see this!’
I wondered to myself if my husband was making another attempt to get Demilade to watch his boring shows, or read a newspaper to him again.

Demilade raced into the kitchen, almost knocking the cooler of jollof rice over.

‘Careful!’ I shouted as he shoved a flier into my face.

It was about a Kid’s Culinary Class organised by Reddish Chronicles Culinary School which was here in Lagos and even in Abuja!

I was going to call my sister to give her this amazing news!
I mean, she had been whining about not finding anything great enough in Abuja to ‘dump’ the kids at.
This was it!
I already made a mental note to make it up to him and this was the perfect opportunity!
It was going to be on for two weeks which even gave Hubby and I more free time, perfect time to bully him for baby number three. *wink*

Finally, Demilade will know the difference between Thyme and Rosemary.
Then again, can YOU tell?

Let your kids tell for you!
Call and register your kids for the Kid’s Culinary Class in Lagos and Abuja today!

Location: 32 Bawala Street, Off Charly Boy, Gbagada, Lagos

Duration: 18th July - 1st August
Number: 09092222207

Location: 252a Herbert Macaulay Way, Central Area, Abuja.

Duration: 1st Batch
• 1st August - 12th August

                  2nd Batch
• 15th August - 26th August

Number: 09092222208

Instagram: ReddishChronicles
Twitter: reddishculinary
Facebook: Red Dish Chronicles


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