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Getting a Financial Grant For Your Business Has Never Been More Rewarding – BET is Back For 6th Time!

Starting up a business is never an easy feat; from developing the business case & market research, to securing funds and so on. It all could be very daunting especially in this part of the world. After setting up your business, we all know that’s not where the challenges end.

Matter of fact, it may very well just be the beginning. It could be issues with securing factory space, having a constant source of power, buying machinery amongst other issues. Whatever the challenge may be, proper managerial skills and funding no doubt, always play a huge role. 

This is where the Building Entrepreneur Today (BET) 6 initiative comes to play.
The Building Entrepreneurs Today, from the stables of your bank…Diamond Bank, is a CSR programme designed to support budding entrepreneurs. Every year, 50 entrepreneurs are selected from the pool of numerous applications received and undergo a six-month intensive business training.  At the end of the training period, the top 5 entrepreneurs are awarded financial grants as seed capital for taking their businesses to the next level.
This impactful programme has contributed immensely to the pool of skilled micro, small and medium-scale entrepreneurs in the country and by extension, fostering wealth creation across the populace.
Do you have an already existing business?
Do you have the burning desire to take it to the next level?
Then apply for the BET6 right NOW
Visit the BET6 website for more information

Diamond…Your Bank

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