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Russia Launched Last Kilo Submarines for Vietnam


On 28/09, at the Admiralty Shipyards in the city of Saint Petersburg Verfi held launching ceremony of HQ-187 Ba Ria - Vung Tau submarine, the s ubmarines of Varshavyanka class Project 636 (Kilo -NATO) of the Vietnamese Navy.

HQ-187 Ba Ria - Vung Tau is the last Russia's Kilo submarines in the number six of Varshavyanka for Vietnam. Previously, Vietnam had received four Kilo submarines were: HQ-182 Hanoi, HQ-183 Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong HQ-184 HQ-185 and Danang. The 5th - HQ-186 Khanh Hoa is undergoing running tests in the Baltic Sea.

In 2009, Russia signed a contract manufacturing and supply of six modern diesel-electric submarines Varshavyanka class for $ 2 billion to the Vietnamese. The contract includes training process for submarine crews as well as provide the Necessary equipment.

The Russsian made ​​Submarine Project 636  Varshavyanka  class of Vietnam has 3,100 tons displacement, maximum speed 20 knots / hour, can dive to 300m deep crew of 52 people. The submarine is equipped with six 533 mm torpedo tubes with club missile attack. The ability of the ship running smoothly led NATO experts call it "black holes" in the ocean. 

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