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Wondered why doctors can't cure your Diabetes?" Read on to discover what really causes your type 2 (and 1) Diabetes!"

Diabetes is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have. Waking up day after day knowing you have a disease that may gradually affect you, a healthy young person. Potentially causing nerve, kidney and eye damage and illnesses like heart disease, heart attack, strokes, loss of vision and more. Suddenly you no longer expect to enjoy many of life's greatest experiences.

You probably remember that day, the day you started having these frequent trips to the bathroom, feeling like you can't get enough water; or you may have felt tired and run down or got tingling or numbness feeling in your hands, legs or feet and other early symptoms. You were not so worried at first but then the day came when you heard your doctor speak the word "Diabetes.”

You may have felt sadness, desperation, even panic... knowing fully well your life would never be the same again. That time can be almost as difficult for your family and close friends as it is for you. I know, you suffer month after month and find you are losing hope of ever getting better.

That's a very sad place for anyone to be.

What is Diabetes (Type 1 & Type 2), the Causes and Symptoms?


Drugs Treat Symptoms, Not Disease

Let's compare how we treat diabetes to how we treat cold or flu. What are the symptoms of flu? Fever and congestion. What is the cause of the flu itself? A virus. If we treat the symptoms of the flu - bring down fever, take some decongestants, will that cure the flu? No. It will make you feel better, but it will not in any way make the flu better because we haven't actually treated the flu itself. We simply treated the SYMPTOMS. You are still sick with the flu, but now you feel a bit better.

Or another example. Let's say you broke your leg. What are the symptoms? Bleeding and lots of pain. If you take painkillers and wrap your leg in a bandage to stop the bleeding, have you fixed your broken leg? No, you simply treated the symptoms. You still have a problem - the broken leg.

So, how does this compare to diabetes? Exactly the same. What are the symptoms of diabetes? High blood sugar and insulin resistance. What do doctors prescribe? Pills/Chemicals to lower blood sugar and insulin to help with insulin resistance. Have you actually done anything to treat diabetes itself? No. You have simply treated it's SYMPTOMS. So again, you are still sick, you still have a problem, but now you feel a little better.

To access valid and vast research report on How to Reverse Diabetes visit - http://www.healthdexterity.com/diabetes-subscribe

Why Am I so Anti-chemicals/Pills?

Because they don't really treat the problem, they take away the symptoms for a while but damage other organs. Chemicals in the body system overburden it e.g. the kidneys have to do extra and perpetual work to frequently sieve out these chemicals/toxins from the system which is passed out as urine. That’s why your urine smells like drugs when you take them.

Warning Signs

When you get sick, your body shows symptoms. Shouldn't you treat the underlying disease and not the symptoms?
Imagine a car. Something is wrong in the engine. A red warning light turns on - a symptom of a faulty engine. What would you do? Treat the red warning light or the actual engine?
Modern medical and pharmaceutical industry treats the red warning light.

This is exactly what you do every single day by taking diabetes drugs/chemicals or insulin - you aren't treating diabetes; you are treating the red warning lights - high blood sugar and insulin resistance.

This is precisely why no prescription drug (chemicals) or insulin injection has ever prevented, stopped or reversed diabetes - and yet they are the only things doctors prescribe. Compared to natural based treatments that actually HAVE prevented and totally reversed type 2 diabetes, doctors still only prescribe completely useless and very dangerous drugs.

The big question you have to ask is why? Why are doctors prescribing something that has proven to NOT work?

To discover why everything is so backward, you have to follow the money.

To access valid and vast research report on How to Reverse Diabetes visit - http://www.healthdexterity.com/diabetes-subscribe

Now Imagine If You Knew the Truth

Imagine if you had access to all of this suppressed and covered up medical research and the exact methods thousands of diabetics used to become completely healed.

•  No more needles
•  No more expensive and dangerous diabetes medications
•  No more finger pricking or test strips
•  No more trips to the doctor for disappointing test after disappointing test
•  No more frustration and embarrassment

Would you use this information to help yourself, your kids, relatives, family, and friends? Read on because you're about to receive it.

Click here for the Revelation - http://www.healthdexterity.com/diabetes-subscribe

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