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Keep your friends close and savings closer

So a group of friends or colleagues come together and decide to form a savings club, otherwise known as an esusu or ajo depending on what part of Nigeria you are from. Expectations are high with everyone excited about the possibility of multiplying their savings in a monthly pool. After all, together everyone achieves more, right? So what could possibly go wrong?

Then the issues start arising. One by one, each member delays or outrightly refuses to pay his or her contribution quota when payment is due. Relationships are ruined, and dreams of savings towards that big car, house or holiday fail to become reality.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying the traditional method of pool savings is completely flawed. There are many people who have benefitted greatly from this form of savings and have plenty to show for it. Instead, what I’m trying to do today is present you with a much more convenient and secure alternative.

Imagine if you could manage a savings club with friends from the comfort of your home and directly from a dashboard on your phone. Imagine if contributions were collected per account automatically, with little to no need to beg for compliance.

That’s the amazing benefit PaywithCapture 5.0. has on offer for its users, amongst multiple digital banking features. The free savings club allows for linkage between different bank accounts, with auto-debits and credits to the benefit of everyone involved. Transactions are secure, transparent and can be carried out anywhere and anytime with the great offline capability PaywithCapture 5.0 offers. All you need is a mobile device, and that’s it.

To get started and enjoy the savings club feature and other amazing advantages PaywithCapture 5.0 has for you, download the app for free at paywithcapture.com/apps
Join the revolution!


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